Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Round disk with 4 domes or lights

Date of Sighting  - 07-June-2014
Place of Sighting - Cancun, MX
Description of Sighting Report - "I was standing on a west facing balcony of the Hard Rock Hotel in Cancun taking pictures of the sunset. At the time i did not notice anything. When I got home and started editing my photos I noticed the obvious craft in the pictures.
I was shooting a Canon 7D camera with a 24-70 mm lens at the time. I was shooting HDR images. This process combines three separate images, all with varying exposures, this particular image consisted of 3 shots. It craft appears in all three shots, albeit in slightly different locations in the frame (indicates motion to me).
I was shooting in "camera RAW" mode and have the original images still stored on the memory card from the camera. I hereby attest these images are un-doctored, unedited and 100% the real thing.
It is my camera, my gear and I pushed the shutter button when they were taken.

The attached images were screen shots taken with my phone but I will gladly provide the originals for your examination.
the first image is of my computer screen with one of the shots pulled up full screen. I can be seen ghosted in the image, but the white "dot" in the upper left corner is the craft.

The second attached image is a close-up of the "white dot" in the image. It has clear structure with what apear to be 4 domes, or lights on it.

The third image is the three shots combined in Photomatix software that clearly shows the movement of the craft.

All three of these images were captures less than a second apart.

Please let me know what you think. "
