Thursday, August 21, 2014

Is this not UFO..?

Date of Sighting - 19-Aug-2014
Place - Ketchikan, AK, US
Description of Sighting Report - "I was on a small cruise ship touring in the Ketchikan area (the Tongass Narrows) with a group of co-workers and friends. At about 8:00 PM, I was taking some photos of the sunset with my iPhone. I took three shots of the sunset. The following evening, as I downloaded the photos to my computer, I noticed the bright light in the sky (upper left corner of all three photos at slightly different angles since the boat we were traveling was heading north or north-west as I was taking the sunset photos. I did not notice the bright light in the sky as I was taking the photos, yet the light object is clearly in the photo. Since I did not see the object directly at time of the photo, I cannot say that it was actually moving in the sky. On the photo the object or light appears oval of possibly disk shaped.

I have attached 3 original digital photos and one that I enlarged and enhanced."

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