Friday, November 7, 2014

UFO Seen Close Up Over Moon's Surface On Nov 2, 2014

Date of sighting: Nov 2, 2014 at 4:55PM
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

Hey, check out Crrow777 of Youtube. Here he caught a UFO shooting across the moon's surface. He seems to think its in Earths orbit, however the shadows on the moon hit the UFO, which is proof its over the lunar surface. As the UFO moves across it is visible, but sometimes glows bright red. The UFO looks like a triangle craft as you can see from the close up below. Outstanding catch.
Eyewitness states: This clip shows what I believe to be a spaceship under intelligent control, in orbit and firing its thrusters/engines in front of the moon - and beyond. I have never seen footage like this and it may be a one of a kind capture. It is a UFO by definition and clearly under intelligent control.

Watch this in HD full screen.