Friday, January 2, 2015

Is it UFO Ship..?

Date of Sighting - 31-Dec-2014
Place of Sighting - Botwood, NL, CA
Description of Sighting Report - "Parents friends were driving on New Years Eve to Botwood Newfoundland. When they noticed multiple lights in the sky to the north east. They pulled over and took a picture and seconds after the shapes divided into three or four sections, and at high speed flew off into different directions. The picture included only shows one group of the lights there were more off to the right outside of the camera angle.

We thought maybe they were dash light reflections as skeptics we looked up the model of vehicle (Ford F-150) and looked for ourselves at the dash lights themselves and nothing resembled anything the picture has to offer.

Four of the family members are really shaken up by the experience and have yet to stop speaking about it. "

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