Thursday, May 1, 2014

Long UFO Recorded By Curiosity Rover For 10 Min! 28-Apr-2014

Date of sighting: April 14, 2014 Time of sighting: 4:48:22 until 04:56:09 UTC Location of sighting: Half way to Mount Sharp, Mars NASA Photos:

The Curiosity rover is said to be half way on its journey to Mount Sharp, when it caught the unusual anomaly. The object was in the sky in front of the rover for 10 minutes! Also notice that most the stars do not move, but do lighten and dim during this time. The shape of the UFO is just as we see it, long cigar shaped. At first a person will assume the exposure (shutter) was open allowing the photo to  record for a few seconds, but no. The shutter speed is normal. This object was moving slow, which is proven by the time stamps on the photos on the NASA site. That means since it was moving slowly, the shape we see before us is the correct shape of the object. Wow, ten minutes in plain view!
Then again, could this be a moon or micro moon orbiting Mars? Yes, it could be possible, however a moon of this shape would have a high probability of flipping end over end. This object has slow, balanced movement like a ship in water...having the appearance of an object that is self propelled. 
I am very interested in how NASA will explain this. I have messaged them a few times and I will see if I can get a response.
1st photo:   04:48:22 UFO firsts appears, and is heading down. 2nd photo:  04:50:18  3rd photo:   04:52:15 4th photo:   04:54:12 5th photo:   04:56:09 6th photo:   04:58:06  Object is gone.

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