Monday, July 28, 2014

UFO observed in 1 of 2 still photos taken in 5 seconds gap

Date of Event - 27-Sep-2013
Place of Event - Hyderabad, INDIA
Description of Sighting Report - "I was in the train, which stopped in Falaknuma Palace Railway Station. I looking at Falaknuma Palace on the hill, in the city of Hyderabad, and took 2 pictures of the palace from the train window in a span of 5 seconds using my Samsung Mobile Phone. Train was static. Then the train moved after it got signal.

I didnot check the pictures nor did I notice the UFO in the pictures for some time. Then after a month, while downloading the pictures I observed that in the first picture taken at 21 seconds past 1809 hrs (21 seconds past 06-09 pm)there was a UFO, which was missing in the next picture taken after 5 seconds.

The Palace which I wanted to take a picture of is located near the International Airport. For some time I thought it was an airplane. But I took the Picture of the Palace after noticing that the sky is clear, and no airplanes flying that time.

Secondly, I felt that no airplane can move so fast within a span of 5 seconds gap between 2 photos, at an altitude where a plane can either land or take off.

I, hereby, present both the pictures for your evaluation

Pic-1 : File Name : 2013-09-27 18.09.21
Pic-2 : File Name : 2013-09-27 18.09.26

Both the names of the files are system generated and you can find the date & time (in seconds) in the file names."
