Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What kind of UFOs are they..?

Date of sight - 26-July-2014
Place of sight - Cancun, MX
Description of Sighting Report - "One of the nights while I was vacationing in Cancun, Mexico I decided to take some night pictures of the resort and the night sky. I decided to try a new technique called exposure to the left that many photographers use to capture the milky way in an area that has a lot of light pollution. Exposure to the left focuses on the dark sky verses buildings which are close by and as a result we will have a well lite night sky with all the stars nicely visible because using this technique will absorb all the light possible.
Back to the subject... so I began taking pictures of the night sky adjusting the settings on my dslr playing around to see what would yield the best results. The whole time I was aware of the area in focus and what I wanted to capture in the frame and I would then view the pictures to see the results. Well in one of them I noticed 2 blue objects in the sky and when I zoomed in to get a better view I noticed that it was 2 flying objects that appeared to hovering and you can so see the energy that the ufo's are releasing on top and bottom to maintain there position. Once again I was not able to see them with the naked eye, but yet my camera was able to using a tripod, iso 200, shutter speed of 20-30 seconds. The trees look a bit blurry because there was a slight wind. "
