Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Look Back At The Strangest UFO Stories In 2013 - Video

Whether you believe that UFOs are alien spaceships or travelers from another dimension or hoaxes or simply very easily explained objects, they were plentiful in 2013.

Over the past 12 months, we had it all, from a Scientology-created message to aliens; UFOs allegedly photographed near the moon; former members of Congress listening to UFO testimony of international eyewitnesses, military experts and scientists; deliberate hoaxes; and the Ata mummified humanoid who caused an international sensation.

By the end of the year, it was clear that, as we go forward, the new kid on the block that will certainly further confuse the UFO issue is none other than drone technology.

Check out our picks for some of the best UFO-alien stories as they unfolded during the year.