Thursday, January 30, 2014

NASA Cover-up real UFO on Moon as LADEE... Here is a proof of UFO

This is UFO found on Moon. But Nasa said that its LRO imaged LADEE, about 5.6 miles beneath it, at 8:11 p.m. EST on Jan. 14, 2014. (LROC NAC image M1144387511LR. Image width is 821 meters, or about 898 yards.)

Nasa changed this image in zoom in...!!

Nasa shows in rings the real UFO in Next Image.. but said that was LADEE ( Source - )

Nasa Shows that UFO as LADEE in Next Gif Image.... ( Source - )

But, we cannot believe that UFO as LADEE because of size problem. When we zoom in real image... that appears like below....

But LADEE is in drum Shape like below....

When Nasa zoom in that image, not shows real image. It morphing that image like below... ( We can See Two Sparks and Two Shadows in Zoomed Image. Nasa Shows only one Spark, one Shadow. Real UFO was like rectangular Shape, Nasa shows that as square Shape)
So that we can understood that UFO is not LADEE. That is just like a Rod type UFO....!!