Saturday, January 25, 2014

OMG...!! Aliens attacking humans...? Here is evidence...

Date of Sight: 04-07-2012
Place of Sight: High Ridge MO, US

Description of Sighting Report: "On the 4th of July, 2012 at approx. 7pm my husband & I were out back barbecuing & watching the neighborhood fireworks. I looked up and said, " Honey, did someone set off a flare?" He said, "Go get your camera now!" That startled me because he is a sceptical person & was in the Navy & worked on helicopters.
I got my phone & snapped as many pics as I could."

"The " flare" zigzaged coming from the NE direction. Went west, then straight to us, hovered over our treeline & creek approx. 100 ft up & 20ft away(see photo) It hovered for 2-3secs then zipped off in a blink of an eye towards the east over the huge powerlines behind us. There were fireworks going off all around it but it appeared brighter & more solid. It was a deep orange and vibrated like a trembling hand."

"Since then I've captured strange light anomalies in our rm. & have had strange dreams. One, I was on an Island, speaking another language. I was welcoming others. Then, in a string-like beam of light I was sucked up into a craft. The table looked like mercury and was very soft. The beings asked if I was ready like a whisper in my head, then I went thru my wall..& into bed. When I landed in bed I awoke before was strange. I found the Island I was welcoming others to & the language fits the area. Aborigine. (See photo)
Try, for having a place to share. And sorry for me taking so long to."