Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Multiple objects, none were visible but revealed on photographs

Date of Photographs taken: 19-Dec-2013
Location of Sighting: Bay Minette AL, USA
Source: Mufon
Description of Sighting: "I was returning from regularly traveled (at least 1x a month for the last 15 years) 4 hour (round trip) car trip when I felt suddenly ill so I stopped at the location to get out of the vehicle to get some fresh air. While stopped, I decided to make some long exposure photos of the mostly clear night sky over the delta.(I'm a semi-profession photographer). I took photos for approximately one hour that seemed completely uneventful. However, when I arrived at home I was shocked when I realized it was much later than I thought and I can not account for at least one and a half hours of time. It was my perception that I drove straight through, stopped for approximately 1 hour and then drove the remaining 45 minutes straight through after the stop to my home. However, the total time of the trip amounted to closer to 7 hours than 5 (4hrs plus the hour stop over). Approximately a week later I reviewed the photos and I observed some strange effects and lighting but I couldn't make a determination to the source. I checked over my equipment to ensure there wasn't an equipment problem and I found no equipment issues at all. A few weeks later I returned to the photographs to begin further processing and editing when by chance/accident I increased the exposure on a photo intended for discard due to underexposure. The increased exposure revealed what appears to be a craft with 4 lights. Upon this discovery I increased the exposure on the other photos that where inexplicably underexposed and discovered several more objects. I did not hear or observe any of these objects at the time despite the apparent brightness of the lights and having my camera focused directly in their direction. These newly discovered objects put the original anomalous effects into a different context so I am including those photos as well. The first 4 photos are the 2 originally observed (on first photo review) anomalies each with a corresponding cropped close up version. The next 2 photos include one original 'out of camera' photo with anomalous 'orange ring' object and it's corresponding cropped to close up version. The next 2 photos are of the exposure adjusted version of the first under exposed photo that revealed an object upon accidental exposure adjustment and it's corresponding cropped to close up version. The last 2 photos are of the exposure adjusted version and the corresponding cropped to close up version of the second photo containing anomalous objects discovered upon adjusting the exposure of the underexposed original version. Also note that all the photos where taken using a tripod and the DSLR I was using was set up for manual control for the specific circumstances under which I was shooting, many/most shots exposed properly and I've been unable to find an explanation for why some photos, only the ones with anomalies, seem to indicate a complete disregard for the control settings of the camera. "

Click on IMAGES to see them in big size...!!