Wednesday, February 5, 2014

UFO, Orbs and Cigar Shaped UFO Filmed Over California

There have been a number of cigar shaped UFO sightings recently in California, the last one was from Santa Rosa. You can view that at California UFO Sighting.

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Filmed this activity on Feb 2, 2014 in Newport Beach CA at 11:30 am. The day started with a smooth orb flying across the skyline westward towards the ocean. From there a number of Orbs and Cigar UFOs became visible as the sun's rays shined directly over my porch providing great light. Please see 1:54 for a breakdown of the different Cigar
UFOs. As the hour progressed and the light changed the lens picked up swarms of Cigar UFOs and Rectangle UFOs and Rods. It was the most activity I've scene before of these kinds of objects. Please see 3:20 for a breakdown of the swarm. Digital Zoom and filter applied to get a closer look.