Saturday, February 15, 2014

Two Rod UFOs in Panorama Photos...!!

Date of Sighting: 28-10-2007
Place of Sighting: Whitby City, GB
Description of Sighting Report: "My family and I went to Whitby 28 October 2007 for the Goth Weekend. I had a new Olympus E330 with which I took three photos on the top of Whitby Cliffs (next to the Abbey) to stitch together for a panorama. Christmas week that year I opened the photo on my PC full size and was astonished to see two cylinder shaped UFOs just below the clouds. There have never been any similar entities on photos and I know that they are not any form of lens flare.

When you zoom in on the Photo you can see that the cylinders are lighter on top and darker underneath.
There was no sound and I did not see them when I took the photo."
 Click on Images to see in zoom....
In inverted colours...